Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?


Sunday - 9:45AM family bible hour, 11AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 6PM Prayer time

Apr. 04, 2021

As humans we have a tendency to disbelieve that which cannot be proven to us. There is even a state which has as its unofficial motto: the show me state. Three days after the crucifixion of Jesus Thomas was told by his fellow disciples in John 20:25, “We have seen the Lord!” He is risen from the dead!” And Thomas replied, “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.” Just as Thomas doubted Jesus had risen from the dead, so do people today. Did Jesus rise from the dead or didn’t He? And perhaps more importantly, why should we believe that He did? This sermon looks at some of the proofs that confirm Jesus truly is risen from the dead.